Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Symbol for Hermione


The heart is a symbol that would represent Hermione.
The heart represents great love and an open arm which are characteristics of Hermione. The symbol of a heart describes love, loyalty and forgiveness which are traits that we find in Hermione in Winter’s Tale. Leontes repeatedly accused her of being unchaste and unfaithful, she repeatedly pleas her innocence but her husband fails to believe her and in the end she still takes him back into her life. The love a heart shows is everlasting regardless of what challenges may come and this is displayed by Hermione best symbol would be a heart for she has all it characteristics. A heart can be seen as pure, virtuous, angelic and beautiful which are just a few words to describe Hermione.
The picture shows Hermione specificly where in Winters Tale she is surrounded by the darkness and delusion of her husband but outshines this in the end.

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